
Friday, June 7, 2019

Naturopathic Medicines over Pharmaceutical Medications Essay Example for Free

Naturopathic Medicines over Pharmaceutical Medications EssayFor World Health Organization (WHO), health of an individual is non only means of getting rid of physical illness or pain but involves complete mental and affable wellbeing of an individual. It is muti-dimensional and involves various aspects including social environment of a person or a society. Still eighty per cent of mass are heard complaining just about i or the other health problems and only one percent of people are in according to the WHO definition really healthy.Among several f spielors, its the departure of the people from our age-old system of naturopathic treatment towards hyped Pharmaceutical Industry a product of Industrial revolution. Dr. Mathias Rath, a German-based advocate of patients rights and author of the book, Why Animals Dont lay down Heart Attacks-But People Do, rightly said, There is an entire industry with an innate economic interest to obstruct, suppress and discredit any information about the eradication of diseases. (Faseyin, 2004) He condemned millions of people who are eager to pay billions of dollars to the pharmaceutical industry for medicines that never cure quite kills.Pharmaceutical industry is earning much than one trillion dollars by selling drugs promising cure of various diseases and are being marketed at a cost more than 55,000 percent of the raw materials, rescue profit to the whole pharmaceutical industry and the people attached to it but without any concern to the health of the people. These drugs are merely removing symptoms instead of curing. As a result, more people are finding themselves facing deathbeds even from the preventable diseases.For e.g. few centuries back, James Lind had found that deficiency of vitamin C can cause line of merchandise loss and scurvy but still pharmaceutical industries dealing with medicines promising the cure of cardiovascular diseases are non supplying this information. The official RDA for vitamin C tick off at 60 mg is withal not enough to prevent the disease. And the reason is the attitude of the pharmaceutical industry that looks at the cost effectiveness of the medicines rather than the health of the citizens naturally they find vitamin C as an unprofitable venture for the pharmaceutical industry.Allopathic medicines can cure peachy illnesses very effectively and pharmaceuticals and stilted respiration has also saved lives of millions. But if we count the side effects, these are more than the actual benefits. Several cases have come to light when patients have suffered from pneumonia and acute physical dysfunction arising from the continuous use of steroid medication. Patients can also lose normal intestinal flora and can develop acute digestive problems.Nature has bounteous wealth of healing powers in its lap, which our ancient healers had fruitfully used, to the advantage of the patients. Naturopathic medicines go deep into cleaning of our immune system, healing hormonal, nervous systems and detoxifying them and eliminating diseases from its root thus taking care of patients complete health.Medieval Jewish writer, Maimonides reflected Platos concept of health, when he said, The cure of some diseases is unkown to the physicians because they are vile of the whole (body and soul) which ought to be studied also for the part can never be well, unless the whole is well. For all good and evil, whether in the body or in the human nature originates in the soul, and overflows from thence and therefore if the head and body are to be well, you must begin by curing the soul that is the startle thing. (Vaux Stenberg 2002)Underlying principles of healing on which the naturopathic medicine is based makes it different from all other medical approaches. Naturopathic doctors take the individuals biochemistry, biomechanics, and emotional predispositions into account maculation prescribing medicines. The bodys self-healing takes into consideration various aspects o f body control and strive to maintain the biological balance of the body, which is a very crucial aspect of a healthy body. The holistic or naturopathic way of healing works in combination of best scientific diagnosis methods and monitoring techniques with both ancient and innovational health promotion methods.These methods involve use of natural diet and herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, exercises, relaxation, psycho-spiritual counseling, meditation, breathing exercises, and other self-regulatory practices taking into consideration history of patients health and his current life including family, job, and religious life and believes in basic concept that food and nutritional supplements are the best medicine. It focuses on prevention of diseases, maintaining high-ranking wellness and longevity.Besides, naturopathy beckons patients to be an active participant in his or her own healing process, rather than merely becoming a passive recipient of treatment. Naturopathy deals with specific individual needs, and involves in healing process of body, mind and soul. It is quite true that to understand about the illness, knowing about mere physical symptoms are not enough but emotional aspects of patient should also taken care of.Therefore naturopathic treatment is also called as a science of life as it regulates and maintains chemical activities in the brain, controls rhythm of heart, blood pressure, resistance power of skin and other functions inside our body. It helps persons to overcome anxiety, depression, irritability, improve memory, create emotional stability, and proves to be a healing power for our old traumatic experiences and over and above rejuvenates our lives by giving us energy and vitality. There are several herbs that have quintuple uses for human body. People have been growing herbs since centuries and their medicinal properties even challenge the practitioners of medicines of today. Our ancestors were growing the herb plants in their hom es. Many evidences have come to light, which show that untimely settlers had grown herbs like parsley, anise, pennyroyal, sorrel, watercress, liverwort, wild leeks, and lavender across America and in other parts of the population also. They are still grown in many houses all over America and their proper use can relieve the patients from number of diseases. They are many more herbs like ginger, which reduces the chances of heart attack and act as a protective cover for heart and blood vessels. (Naturals Herbs Guide Online)In 1983, World Health Organization suggested to incorporate naturopathic medicine in stately health care systems. In 1994, Bastyr University of Natural Health Sciences, received grant of $1 million funds from the National Institutes of Healths Office of preference Medicine to facilitate the research for alternative therapies to cure the patients affected with HIV and AIDS. The diet for cancer patients recommended by the National Cancer Institute was first promu lgated in a naturopathic medical textbook in the 1940s. Government of Germany has made it mandatory for conventional doctors and pharmaceuticals also to undergo formal training in naturopathic techniques, as they are cost-effective. (Morton Morton 1997)Graduates of naturopathic colleges have to put in more hours of study in basic and clinical science than their counterparts in Yale or Stanford medical schools and they receive more training in therapeutic nutrition than Md.s, osteopathic physicians, or registered dietitians. In United States alone, there are more than one thousand licensed naturopathic physicians and many provinces of Canada also issue licenses to naturopathic doctors as primary care physicians and it is expected that by the end of 2010, all fifty states will start issuing licenses to naturopathic physicians. (Alan Morton, Marry Morton 1997)There are many more healing techniques like Chiropractic, Ayurvedic Medicine, Therapeutic Massage, Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)/ Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Atlas Orthogonal, Chelation Therapy, Colonics, Psychotherapy/Counseling, Movement Therapies/ Dance, Holistic Dentistry, head Candling- Ear Candling/ Ear Coning/ Thermal-Auricular, Feng Shui, Flower Essences (Bach Flower Remedy), herbal teaism, Hypnotherapy, Lymph Drainage Therapy, Ohashiatsu and Vitamin Therapy, whose basic principles and remedies lie in the various ingredients found in the nature.So why not fully utilize what the nature has given to us as only with the healthy body, there is healthy mind and only healthy mind can lead the world towards healthy living.REFERENCE LISTFaseyin A.Y. 2004. The Pharmaceutical Cartel A Tool for Genocide. Retrieved on February 10, 2008 from W.W.W http//newafrikanvodun.com/pharm.html.Grout M.M. Allopathic Medicine. Retrieved on February 10, 2008 from W.W.W http//www.crossroadsclinic.net/articles/allopathic_medicine.htmlMorton M. A. Morton M. 1997. Naturopathic Medicine. Retrieved on Februa ry 26, 2008 from W.W.W http//www.healthy.net/asp/templates/article.asp?PageType=ArticleID=508NaturalHerbsGuide.com. Natural Herbs, Herbal Remedies, Medicines, and Supplements Guide. Retrieved on February 26, 2008 from W.W.W http//www.naturalherbsguide.com/Vaux K.L. and Stenberg M. 2002. Covenants of Life Contemporary Medical Ethics in Light of the thought of Paul Ramsay. USA Kluwer Academic Publishers.

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