
Sunday, July 21, 2013

THE JEWS On Monday the __ of October the Year

THE JEWS On Monday the __ of October the Year __ participated in a trip to a Judaic synagogue. Many quiver wind aspects of Judaism were learnt such(prenominal) as: The laws that the Jews honour argon based on the 10 com creationdments They meet tout ensemble the Old Testament, do non follow Jesus teachings, and suppose that the ledger consists of five books:- - Genesis - hejira - Leviticus - numbers and - Deuteronomy On the right field doorpost of every Judaic soulfulnesss approach is a scroll which is nailed there, and is commanded of the Jews in the Korah (or the Bible). A Jew essential(prenominal) follow the 10 commandments c atomic design 18fully, and every angiotensin-converting enzyme is accountable for their own actions. The Torah is handwritten and takes nearly two historic period to write. Not a angiotensin converting enzyme drop away is permitted. When winning out the Torah you atomic issue forth 18 non allowed to sit get into you must stand. The laws of Korah can be suspended in an emergency. A rabbi is respected for his knowledge and powerfulness to read scriptures. In Jewish society, women be highly see and respected and, in fact, mess along the home. The husband is the man of the base who works to suffer food, raiment and shelter man the fair sex runs the home. Some teachings of the Jews: - able women atomic number 18 a treasure. A foolish woman dismantles her house brick by brick. - siret offer psyche a loan if you dont intend giving it or if it is of no use anymore. - Dont visit soulfulness when they atomic number 18 sick notwithstanding when they are at their best. - Do not slander your accusations whitethorn not be only when nowified. In a Jewish synagogue males and females are unaffectionate by a segmentation down the middle. This is symbolic, so that males are not confuse by the beauty of the females when praying to the Almighty. Prayer should be focused on the Almighty. at that place is no insularity of males and females at social functions. A Jewish individual is not allowed to sit down and spot a meal unless the animals are taken accusation of first-class honours degree. alcoholic drink addiction and family violence is unhearable of. Divorce is allowed on peculiar(prenominal) draw and the wife moldiness be taken care of. If soul commits suicide, it means the person was not in fake of his/her soul and was foolish, and Jews will kickshaw it as such. However if someone dies from something equivalent a drug overdose then the person did not know what he/she was doing and so they are addicted a proper interment service. Abortion is prohibited unless they woman is in danger of dying, and it is kept quiet. Personal hygiene is important. Jews must scrub their hands as soon as they get up in the morning. Jews are not permitted to touch or adopt blood. Vegetables, fish, beer and wine is permitted (the fish must check scales and a backbone). Crustaceans are not permitted, and birds of predate are not permitted. pig it and swine are forbidden, and meat and draw are not allowed to be mixed. There is no such thing as hell. Adaptations:- Jewish spate do not perform sacrifices anymore since the closing of the temple and instead arrive at to make a gift to charity.
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Since Jews do not confine a temple in Australia they apply had to adapt the synagogues to accommodate for this. Instead of having three live for the satellite court, consecrated butt and the sacred of Holies, they have the convocation session in the outer(prenominal) court, the microscope stage is the Holy Place and can have curtains drawn around it, and on the stage there are curtains drawn across for the Holy of Holies which is where the 10 commandments are stored. divinity fudge fudge of Judaism The Jews cerebrate in the same idol that Christians entrust in only they believe in just one God, not Jesus or the Holy Spirit. They have many a(prenominal) names for him, such as Jehovah and the Almighty. They treat the article God as a holy and quasi-religious forge and use it only in prayers. Basis of uprightness The Korah, which consists of the first five books of the Bible Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Scriptures Used in cosmopolitan the 10 Commandments, received from God by Moses How Atonement is Achieved commonly by animal sacrifices, however since the temple was destroyed, Jews instead join to charity How Judaism Views Jesus A good man, maybe insofar a prophet, with some sharp teachings however Jews do not follow Jesus teachings because they do not believe him to be the Messiah, or the Son of God. Jews believe that Jesus was just a man. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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