
Monday, February 4, 2019

Pro School Uniforms :: essays research papers

The Need for School UniformsA safe and structured rooking environment is the first requirement of a good ensureing. Children who feel safe and secure will better learn basic Ameri gouge values. In return they will learn the derriere of good citizenship and be arise better students. In response to growing levels of hysteria in our instructs, many parents, teachers, and instruct officials give been forced to look toward give lessons uniforms as one potentially positive way to reduce compensate problems and increase school safety.It has been observed that the adoption of school uniform policies can promote school safety, improve discipline, and enhance the learning environment. The potential benefits of school uniforms include decreasing violence and theft. Some instances involving designer clothing and dear(predicate) sneakers project even led to life-threatening situations among students. Uniforms would also prevent caboodle members from wearing gang colors and insignia at school. Uniforms would also teach students discipline and help them resist peer pressure. Uniforms would also help students concentrate on their schoolwork and would help school officials detect intruders who come unwelcome into the school.As a result, many local communities are deciding to adopt school uniform policies as part of an overall program to improve school safety and discipline. California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, New York, Tennessee, Utah and Virginia have enacted school uniform regulations. many a(prenominal) large public school systems including Baltimore, Cincinnati, Dayton, Detroit, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Miami, Memphis, Milwaukee, Nashville, New Orleans, Phoenix, Seattle and St. Louis have schools with all voluntary or mandatory uniform policies, mostly in main(a) and middle schools. In addition, many private schools have required uniforms for a number of years. Still other schools have implemented dress codes to upgrade a safe envir onment by prohibiting clothes with certain delivery or gang colors.The decision to adopt a uniform indemnity must be made by states and local school districts. For uniforms to be a success, as with all other school initiatives, parents must be involved. We must get the parents involved with the uniform policies from the beginning.Their support of the uniform policy is critical to its success. The strongest push for school uniforms in recent years has come from parent groups who want better discipline intheir childrens schools. Parent groups have actively lobbied schools to create uniformpolicies and have often led school task forces that have drawn up uniform guidelines. Many schools that have successfully created a uniform policy survey parents first to think support for school uniform requirements and then seek the parents opinions in designing the uniform.

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