
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Ambition By Moonlight - Original Writing :: Papers

Ambition By Moonlight - Original authorship The wind howled through Francis mass of tatty black hair, that looked like a birds nest, making it stream out behind him. He found it knockout to keep his balance walking against the wind it was like it was trying to nip him up and wisp him off, back to his warm welcoming house where he should be at this very moment. The long, thick grass was covered in hoarfrost it looked like someone had sprinkled a thin layer of salt crystals crossways the field. It crunched under his feet, making Francis cringe, as he cautiously moved onwards, breaker point bowed against the wind. He could feel the c grizzly, deep down in his bones, contempt wearing his thick trousers and fur coat. Suddenly he saw the exist bit of the light from the village disappear in some shadows, Francis stop abruptly and looked up slowly. First of all he noticed the old wooden signpost with its writing barely legible, craning his neck further he saw the mass of bare branches from the towering trees of the wood. The branches looked like frail reach and seemed to be trying to snatch him to haul him into the woods Francis was frozen in his step, transfixed by the woods in front of him, even though he could only see the very edge of the woods it appease frightened him and made him jump at the slightest sound. Then all of a sudden the moon appeared bright in the toss away from behind the clouds that appeared to entertain been swept aside by a large hand. It hung in the sky like bricks, lighting the field like a vast beacon. It was because Francis could have sworn he saw a small jut out like that of a child, watching him, and appearing strangely familiar only if he couldnt put his finger on whom it could be. Yet as promptly as he had seen it, it vanished, Francis shook his head telling himself he was practiced seeing things. Francis started to edge towards the woods, but just before he entere d

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